Because we care about the health and well being of the children in our care, we follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Recommendations on Screen Time:
• Children under 2 years should have no screen time
• Children ages 2 and above should watch less than 30 minutes/week at child care
Fairlane Family Child Care understands that TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social development. Therefore, we will restrict screen time by:
• For children ages 2 years and above, We allow maximum of 30 minutes total per week of educational and age appropriate screen time (television, video, and DVD). We do not provide any access to TV or any other media player like tablets, phones or computer during our instructional time. We do not have anything planned for screen time for this year so far. We notify parents ahead of time if we plan to show any teacher directed age appropriate educational programs to children on TV or screen.
• We do not provide access to the desktop computer or laptop or tables or phone to any children any time. • We do not allow any screen time during meals and snacks. • For children ages 6weeks to 2 years, we do not allow any screen time (TV, video players like tablets, phones or computer). No exception. We strictly follow our screen time policy.